collage by azilia_kiama
azilia_kiama azilia_kiama

Created in Collager 3 months ago

Image Prompt:

Dynamic and energetic, exciting and fast-paced art style, lighting, shadow, perspective with a sense of depth and immersion, exaggerated expressions, attractive emotions, clean and smooth lines, variation in thickness, depth and shading, bright and saturated colors, vibrant and attractive, very detailed textures, suggestive, feeling of realism : 2 | Super hyper mega detailed image of a young black kitten with large emerald green eyes and delicate iridescent wings that shine in the light, deep velvety black fur, soft and luxurious, large round eyes glowing with an unearthly green light, iris with spots golden, mesmerizing quality, translucent, iridescent wings, delicate veins running through them like stained glass, pale lilac to pearly pink to soft gold, wings positioned high on the kitten's back, just above the shoulders, quite large wings, long tail whip-shaped, with a tuft of fur at the tip of the same color as its wings, magical creature : 2 | Stunning hyper-realistic highly detailed image,style,smooth,digital painting,realistic style,high level of detail,realistic image,soft and muted colors,dreamy look,slightly off-center,sense of mystery, intrigue,sense of movement and energy, soft brushwork, soft and blended appearance, subtle shadows and highlights, sense of depth and dimension, harmonious colors, realistic style, dreamy composition : 2 | Detailed image of a super detailed golden throne in a sunny clearing, carved from ancient oak and draped in emerald vines. Its polished wood shines faintly, reflecting the ethereal beauty of a beautiful woman with long black hair and fair skin. She sits poised, with her back straight and her chin lifted, with silent grace she wears a crown, woven from sunlight. The sun and moon shine on her black hair, casting shifting patterns on her ivory skin. Her eyes, twilight brown, A flowing dress of delicate silk falls down her body, the pearly brown color of twilight reflecting the light and delicate embroidery. Surrounding the woman are several foxes, foxes gathered around her throne, a tapestry of fiery red, mid-night black, and platinum silver. Their eyes, bright as liquid gold, shine with intelligence and unwavering loyalty, with fur as soft as velvet. serene, dreamy, supernatural, foxes around, many foxes, fox in the lap, foxes around the throne, brown clothing : 2

Base Image:

Remix in Collager