collage by jacquec
jacquec jacquec

Created in Collager 2 years ago

Image Prompt:

Goth asthetics, dark fariytale, bespoke unique beauty, ArtGerm, Grimes doll, Popovy Sisters, cyberpunk, John Galliano, Takashi Murakami, awesome digital art, Concept art, artstation character maya, cinema 4d, octane render, blender, very detailed , 3D, 5D, very realistic, volumetric lighting, ornate details, detailed Illustration beautiful woman, black ink tattoos, bare shoulders and arms, day of the dead, art of Christian Chapma, Tom Bagman, Highly detailed UnSeelie queen art, beautiful fairy woman, alluring beauty, beautiful face, crown of flowers, faded colors, night sky, glowing orange lights,16k, Ultra realistic photo, insanely detailed and intricate, hypermaximalist, highly detailed, artstation by artgerm and Raffaello Sanzio

Base Image:

Remix in Collager